Heritage Human Services, board of directors includes professionals with expertise in diverse areas that includes, Compliance, Finance, Health, Education, Marketing, Psychology, administration and other specialties.
Heritage, is a unique provider of Day Habilitation, Crisis Intervention, Skills training, Community Habilitation and Respite services. Our well trained and dedicated staff meet individuals and /or their families’ need through a humane approach in a caring environment.
Our staff act as advocates on behalf of the individuals and their families by coordinating needed services, programs and benefits and thereby ensure a continuum of care.
Heritage Human Services Coordinators utilize a “person-centered” approach in developing and coordinating the implementation of an Individualized Service Plan (ISP) .
Heritage Human Services advocates and ensures that services are based on individualized needs, preferences and desires.
Heritage Human Services encourages and promotes the principles of Independence, Inclusion, Individuality and Productivity (3IP).
Heritage Human Services Inc. staff are sensitive to and respectful of each individual’s language, social and cultural heritage.
At Heritage Human Services, individuals with DD and their Families come First
A Not for Profit 501 (C) (3)
Tax Exempt Organization