Heritage – A New Approach
In keeping with the principles and philosophy of putting “People First,” Heritage Human Services, Inc. (H.H.S) is formed as a multicultural not-for-profit organization to conduct the charitable activities of providing services and advocacy for persons with developmental disabilities and their families, especially among the underserved minority population. It serves as a provider of direct services in the State of New York primarily within the New York City area.

The vision of Heritage Human Services, Inc. is to ensure that individuals with DD enjoy meaningful relationships with family, friends, and others; experience optimal health and lifestyle; live in homes of their choice; and participate fully within their chosen communities. Heritage Human Services, Inc. adheres to this vision by providing advocacy and services with and for DD individuals and their families. We honor, respect, and promote each individual’s abilities, talents, social history, and cultural heritage.
Heritage Human Services, Inc.’s (H.H.S.) goal is to address the unmet or underserved needs of the DD population, especially in the minority communities and among people of color. Many minority individuals and people of color with DD and their families lack access to strong advocacy and services. The intention of H.H.S., Inc. is to strongly advocate for and provide services in the minority communities and people of color that address barriers to individual progress. These may include assigning staffing based not only on each person’s needs, but also with sensitivity to and recognition of each individual’s language and culture. H.H.S, Inc. also plans to inform and educate the general public about the meaningful contributions DD individuals make and how they enrich others’ lives, especially the lives of those in their communities.
The Heritage Human Services, Inc. Board has adopted the policies and procedures that follow in furtherance of this mission, (collectively, the “Corporate Compliance Policies”), of which this Code of Conduct is a part of. All employees and contractors are required to familiarize themselves with the Corporate Compliance Policies and comply with their provision.
Philosophy, Approach, and Experience
The philosophy of Heritage Human Services (H.H.S.), Inc. is based on the principle of “Putting People First.” Heritage Human Services, Inc. ensures sensitivity to the life goals and aspirations of each individual it serves and, most importantly, we honor, respect, and promote the dignity, self-worth, and talent of all persons with various forms of developmental disabilities. Our philosophy guides all H.H.S. employees on how they relate and provides services to all individuals and their families, because here at H.H.S., Inc., individuals with developmental disabilities and their families come first.
Heritage Human Services, Inc. utilizes a “person-centered” team approach in evaluating, developing, and implementing each individual’s plan of care in all its program areas. As a part of the “person-centered” team approach, H.H.S., Inc. staff will develop care plans with each individual and his/her family and circle of supports tailored specifically to the person based on his/her life goals. Our staff will also coordinate with other service providers to ensure a continuum of care and success for each person using a holistic approach.
Program services include Medicaid Service Coordination, Community Habilitation, Group Day Habilitation, and Respite.
We provide grassroots-driven advocacy for human dignity, supports, services, and inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
We provide an array of services to maximize each individual’s ability to live an independent and worthy life as are possible in a home and community of his/her own choice.
We provide access and supports to life-long skills and knowledge to enable each person with DD to live, learn, and participate fully in his/her own community.
Heritage Human Services, Inc. shall conduct all businesses in accordance with uncompromising ethical standards. We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations.
We believe integrity and trust are essential to the mission of supporting our consumers and staff. Adherence to these standards will not be compromised for financial, professional, or other business objectives.
We ensure that all aspects of consumer care and business conduct are performed in compliance with our mission statement, policies and procedures, professional standards, and applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, standards, and regulations. That includes but not limited to those established by the:
- New York State Office of Mental Health and established in Title 14 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (NYCRR), Parts 679, 620,624, 633 635, 636 and 521.
- Title 17 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules, and Regulations, Part 504.3 (by enrolling in the Medicaid Program, the provider agrees to maintain contemporaneous records demonstrating its right to receive funding under the medical assistance program).
- New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities
- New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General
The Code of Conduct was approved by the Heritage Human Services Board of Directors and is a formal statement of Heritage Human Services’ commitment to the standards and rules of ethical conduct. H.H.S. is committed to preventing the occurrence of unethical or unlawful behavior, stopping such behavior as soon as possible after discovery, and disciplining employees who violate this Code of Conduct, including employees who neglect to report a violation. All employees must comply with this Code of Conduct, immediately report any alleged violations of wrongdoing, and assist management and compliance personnel in investigating allegations of wrongdoing.
While the standards addressed in this Code of Conduct are intended to guide employees in the course of their day-to-day responsibilities, they do not replace any Heritage Human Services or program policies and procedures. There may be instances that are not addressed by the Code of Conduct or existing policies and procedures or activities that may conflict with these standards. Employees must seek direction from their supervisor, other Heritage Human Services management staff, or the Compliance Officer in these instances.
The issues addressed in this Code of Conduct are not exhaustive. Employees are responsible for conducting themselves ethically and in compliance at all times and should avoid even the appearance of impropriety. To accomplish this, all employees and contractors must obey the laws and regulations that govern their work and must always act in the best interest of the people we serve, their families, and Heritage Human Services.